Memory Requirements Address Book keeps the current list in memory. The applications memory "Preferred size" setting determines the size of list that can be opened. Under System 7, and System 6 running MultiFinder, the Application Memory Size may require your attention when: 1. Address Book can not get enough memory to load the list file; a message will appear requesting you to allocate more memory. 2. The screen does not refresh immediately as a menu is let go. 3. Address Book unexpectedly quits (out of application memory). To increase memory size, click once on the Address Book icon to select it; do not launch the program. From the Finder File menu, select Get Info. Change the “Preferred Size” to at least 65K per 100 records plus 530K. The initial setting of 800K will load a 420 record list file. Set to 1,000K for 750 records and 5,000K for 7,000 records. When the program is running, the number of records in the current list can be seen in the title bar of the Index window. Address Book currently has a limit of 65,000 records, and has been thoroughly tested with 65,000 records. Note: Memory requirements may have increased slightly with Address Book version 4.